Sunday, August 23, 2009

He could have at least spelled my name right.

What's the deal with the passive ask-out? With texting and email, calling up for date seems like it is no longer in fashion. It seems to be used most when the asker thinks there is a low probability that the askee is going to say yes, so it's simpler and less awkward.

Last night I was out, and I have a bad habit of checking my phone. (i blame Apple, the iPhone is just too addicting). I got an email and this is what it said:

Aug 22, 9:07pm
To: Me
From: Greg
Subject: Out tonight if u are bored...

Hi Me (name spelled incorrectly),

I'm with people at Gordon Biersch. Come out if are looking for something to do.

Its patio and its really nice.


There are so many wrongs with this email:

  1. The most obvious is that he butchered the spelling of my name - and my name is in my email address so I think this is inexcusable.
  2. He needs to learn the difference between it's and its. I'm giving him a pass on having left out a word in the second sentence.
  3. 9:07pm on a Saturday, and I've NEVER been out with this guy and in fact have only met him once at a work event. Did he really think I was sitting at home at 9:07 on a Saturday night waiting for an email such as this - to go drive across town to meet up with a bunch of strangers? Not that I'm above sitting at home on a Saturday night because that's one of my favorite things, but in this case I happened to be out.
  4. This one is back story outside the email, but when I did meet Greg, he was wearing dockers with tassel loafers - no socks, and he's 17 years older than me. Enough said.

I think the rule should be that email and text ask-outs are only okay after a first date. I mean come on - nut up, call a girl and ask her out! And the same goes for girls - we need to, um, not sure our equivalent of "nut up" is, but we need to do 'it' and if a guy asks us out and we don't want to go, politely decline the invitation. It's hard, it's uncomfortable - but it really makes the most sense for everyone. So in the words of Nancy Reagan, just say no!

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